Explore Your Campus
Look around. Our campus looks like New Mexico. It blends with the environment. It feels like New Mexico. There is no mistaking where you are when you're here.
The art we create and display. The architecture - the buildings we live in, work in, and learn in. This is The University of New Mexico - The University for New Mexico. Unlike any other flagship state university anywhere, we live and breathe and embrace who we are and where we are.
Study under one of the 5,000 trees. Have lunch by the Duck Pond. Solve problems in our state of the art classrooms. This is your campus. Enjoy!

Virtual Tour
We look forward to having you on campus in the future. Until then, please explore this virtual tour to see all UNM has to offer!
Instagram Tour
Get to know tour guide Kristin as she shows off UNM’s campus on our Instagram Stories tour!
Self-Guided Lobo Tour
If you simply would like to explore the UNM campus on your own, the Self-Guided Lobo Tour is an excellent resource!
Class Crawl
On the Sunday before school starts, current students who are highly involved on campus provide personal tours for students and their families!